Search Results for: 3d printing

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3D Printing Paganini’s Famous Violin


Embarking on a remarkable journey of innovation and cultural heritage preservation, 3DiTALY, Italy’s leading 3D printing organization set in Rome,...

3D Printing Linear Actuators


In the world of robotics and many other maker activities, a linear actuator is an important piece of the plan....

3D ice printing

3D Printing In Ice For Science


Researchers at Carnegie Mellon have been hard at work coming up with new technologies for… science or something. What really...

1 - 20 of 2457 results

Ready to dive into the realm of hands-on innovation? This collection serves as your passport to an exhilarating journey of cutting-edge tinkering and technological marvels, encompassing 15 indispensable books tailored for budding creators.